
My piece of vision

SVN client on GoDaddy shared hosting

Written By: urbeller - Jan• 03•12

Every since I started to host my websites (thus, the present blog!) on GoDaddy, my (web-)life became a joy. If GoDaddy’s pros are countless, there is certainly one annoying con and it’s the absence of an SVN client.

The easiest way to circumvent this shortcoming is to upload into your GoDaddy’s account a binary of an SVN client. We simply do this because, GoDaddy does not provide a compiler so, building SVN from source is not possible. Fortunately, CollabNet provides a collection of SVN binaries for a wide range of OS.

First, you need to gather some infos about your host OS (type and bit-ness). We first issue the following command (on your GoDaddy machine) to figure out the OS name:

cat /etc/*release*

In my case the result was CentOS 5.6. Now to figure out whether the kernel is a 32 or a 64 bits, the easiest way is to either use the ‘uname -m‘ command or:

getconf LONG_BIT

We can now “order” the appropriate SVN client binary from CollabNet and extract it (on your local machine) using:

rpm2cpio your_svn_client_binary.rpm | cpio -id

This will unarchive the rpm in an ‘opt/CollabNet_Subversion’ directory. You can make it easier on you by doing:

mv opt/CollabNet_subversion svn-client

We can pack the svn-client now using legacy and traditional tools such as:

tar -cvzf godaddy_svn.tgz svn-client

Use your favourite method to upload the archive to your GoDaddy machine and extract the SVN client (tar -xvzf godaddy_svn.tgz). Modify your .bash_profile in order for the SVN client command to be visible and its libraries accessible:

cat  >>.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/svn/bin

That’s it ! happy SVN-ing !

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